The Road to Vimy Ridge

The Road to Vimy Ridge

The War journal of Lt. Percy Sweatman of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (1915-1919) who served in France and Belgium during the First World War.

Part Three: Stand to – South of the Ypres Salient

After traveling by boat across the English Channel from Southampton (England) to La Harve (France), they remained in reserve for several days at the Infantry Base Depot as they prepared to be reassigned to their new units. It was essentially a massive sorting center. Supplies, weaponry, food, and manpower all had to be categorized, inventoried…

Part Two: Infantry Base Depots – Le Havre, France

Percy left Southampton and crossed the English Channel in a small convoy on the night of August 28th. The crossing took just under 12 hours and they arrived in Le Havre, France the next morning before sunrise. “Left Southampton somewhere about 8 or 9 PM for France arriving at Le Havre sometime during the night.…

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